Someone once said that the only mistake God made was not to give man two lives: one for rehearsing and the other for performing. Well, Santiago is willing to rectify that. One morning Santiago gets out of bed and his entire family is waiting for him in the kitchen, singing Happy Birthday to him when he shows up, kiss him, give him presents, hug him. But Santiago doesn’t like his young son’s gift and he doesn’t believe the boy when he says he loves him, and for that, just for that, shouts at him, throws him out, gets angry with everyone else and demands a better son, one who doesn’t wear glasses, who isn´t so fat and who, if posible, looks a bit like him. Who hasn’t dreamed some time of having a custom-made family?
Festivals: Valladolid 1996, Berlin 1997 (Panorama), Karlovy Vary 1997, Moscow 1997, Mar del Plata 1997, Cairo 1997
Awards: Best New Director, Audience Award, FIPRESCI Special Mention - Valladolid 1996