Premii TIFF
Transilvania Trophy
in amount of 15.000 euro
Best Directing Award
in amount of 5.000 euro
Special Jury Award
in amount of 1.500 euro, offered by HBO
Best Performance Award
in amount of 1.000 euro, offered by Vitrina Advertising – Margita Gosheva
offered by The International Federation of Film Critics for a film in Words Are Very Unnecessary section
The Audience Award
offered by MasterCard
The Excellence Award
oferit de Mercedes-Benz
Lifetime Achievement Award (post-mortem)
Special Award for the Contribution to the World Cinema
Romanian Days Award for Best Feature Film
in amount of 6.000 euro (in post-production services) offered by Cinelabs Romania
Romanian Days Award for Best Debut
in amount of 1.000 euro, offered by Raiffeisen Bank
Romanian Days Award for Best Short Film
in amount of 1.500 euro, offered by Jameson – ex aequo
Special Mention of the Short Film Jury in the Romanian Days
Best Film Award in the Shadows Shorts Competition
In amount of 500 euro, offered by Shorts TV
The Let’s Go Digital! Award
Offered by UPC
Transilvania Pitch Stop Development Award
In amount of 2000 euro cash award offered by TIFF and Diferit
Transilvania Pitch Stop CoCo Award
Offered by Connecting Cottbus Co-Production Market
Local Competition Award
In amount of 1.500 euro, offered by Allianz-Țiriac
Special Mention in the Local Competition
In amount of 300 euro, offered by Fabrica de Pensule
The Young Francophone Jury Prize
Offered by TV5 and the French Institute