Toby, a cynical advertising director finds himself trapped in the outrageous delusions of an old Spanish shoe-maker who believes himself to be Don Quixote. In the course of their comic and increasingly surreal adventures, Toby is forced to confront the tragic repercussions of a film he made in his idealistic youth - a film that changed the hopes and dreams of a small Spanish village forever. Can Toby make amends and regain his humanity? Can Don Quixote survive his madness and imminent death? Or will love conquer all?
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The man who killed Don Quixote
(The man who killed Don Quixote)
Terry Gilliam
Terry Gilliam
Adam Driver
Jonathan Pryce
Stellan Skarsgard
Olga Kurylenko
Spania, Franta, Belgia, Portugalia
Running time
TIFF Edition
Tickets are not reserved and seats are guaranteed until 5 minutes before the start of the screening.
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