5 films in the Local Competition 2018 | TIFF

5 films in the Local Competition 2018

26.05.2018 19:55
Five out of the 36 films submitted in the Local Competition 2018 are in the final round
The 5 films selected in the Local Competition 2018 final round are:
Babuka in iarbă/ Babuka in the grass (d. Buzási Gyopár-Orsolya) is a carefully documented story about Babuka, a gorgeous young lady that lived a fairytale during the war. 
The live action fiction Emigranții/ Emigrants (d. Andra Salaoru) is a story about the tribulations of a Romania family in which one of the parents is constrained to work abroad.
Poftiți vă rog (d. Serestely Szilard) is a documentary that presents another face of the Cluj through the story of people who live their lives mostly on the streets, in the Mărăști Square area.
Your face without a screen (d. Sztercey Szabolcs Benedek) is a fiction in which a group visits an exhibition where human lives are presented in the form of spectacular appearances.
Gazda/ Host (d. Mircea Sorin Albuțiu) is a documentary about a small community of Lipovan Russians from Sfiştofca, a village in the Danube Delta.