Together with Arsenal and Ivan, the film belongs to the "Ukrainian trilogy" which was heavily criticized by the Soviets for its realism which was undermining the revolutionary ideas but which was, later on, acclaimed by the film critics, Dovzhenko being considered one of the most influential directors of that era.
The screening will be accompanied live by DakhaBrakha, the most famous and respected Ukrainian band today (they had over 300 international concerts). Established in 2004, at Kiev's Contemporary Art Centre by avant-garde theatre director Vladislav Troițki, DakhaBrakha defines its style as "ethnic chaos". The essence of its music comes from Ukrainian folklore with jazz, trance and world music influences. The result is an original and fascinating show warmly received on some the biggest festival stages of the world. DahkaBrakha released four albums and performed at The Royal Shakespeare Barbican Theatre in London, for „Macbeth”.