An astonishing SF comedy from Finland - Iron Sky and a legendary Slovenian band- Laibach will be the highlights of an electrifying night, on June 6th, at Transivlania International Film Festival.
One of TIFF.s most spectacular films, Timo Vuorensola's Iron Sky is a wacky comedy about a secret Nazi base built on the dark side of the Moon from where an Armada departs to conquer the Earth in 2018.Director Timo Vuorensola said that his film had the special effects of Transformers with the budget of this movie's catering spend. Ground-breaking for his fund-raising policy, the Finnish director gathered almost 1 million euro from crowd funding and crowd investment with his online community on the Iron Sky website.
After the screening, the avant-garde band Laibach composer of the soundtrack for Iron Sky, will offer an exceptional concert at Hotel Continental.
Related to industrial and neo-classical music styles, the Laibach phenomenon began in 1980, in the underground cultural life of Communist era. Although starting out as a multi-disciplinary art practice group, Laibach became internationally renowned foremost on the music scene, particularly with their unique cover-versions and interpretations of hits by Queen, the Rolling Stones and the Beatles.
During the last 30 years, Laibach released 28 albums and had a massive influence on numerous music groups - most notably Rammstein. The group was often creating controversy for their militaristic self-stylization, propagandist manifestos and totalitarian statements and became subject to a number of documentaries, the most recent being Sašo Podgoršek's Divided States of America: Laibach.
In 2012 Laibach started a tour to promote the film Iron Sky and held in April a historical show at Tate Modern - Monumental Retro-Avant-Garde.