13.05.2014 17:16
In addition to the multimedia show Maria T. by Bălănescu Quartet, Maria Tănase's songs will be heard at TIFF in „Hai Iu Iu NU Hi You You”, a show by Radu Afrim și Vlaicu Golcea, a show also known as „Maria Tănase remixes concert”.
13 songs of the famed artist will be electro-arranged live by musician/composer Vlaicu Golcea and sang with a lot of imagination and talent by various actors. Actress Maia Morgenstern will offer a personal rendition of one of the aforementioned songs. The original Maria Tănase tribute became reality last fall, during the HOP – Young Actor Gala in Costineşti and is the direct result of the „Maria Tănase – 1913-2013” workshop coordinated by Golcea. „Hai Iu Iu NU Hi You You” will be presented at Cluj on June 5, at 10 PM, at the Students' Culture House.