The audience will have a unique chance to get the story behind the film right from the crew members reunited for a historical gathering.
The movie is an adaptation from the works of Ion Agărbiceanu, with action set in the vicinity of the gold mines in Munții Apuseni, at the beginning of the XXth century. Two stories are being unfold, one of a widow who’s working hard in a desperate attempt to save her dying daughter(directed by Mircea Veroiu), an another of two wanderer singers that kidnap a bride from her wedding(directed by Dan Pița). The casting includes important names of Romanian cinematography: Leopoldina Bălănuță, Mircea Diaconu Radu Boruzescu,George Calboreanu Jr.
“STONE WEDDING” will be rewarded a special screening during TIFF 2012, in the presence of director Dan Pița, cinematographer Iosif Demian, art director Helmut Stürmer and actor Mircea Diaconu. The event will be completed with the screening of “THE MEMORY OF STONE”, a documentary by Iosif Demian, that describes a emotional journey, after 40 years, in the places where the film shooting took place. Helmut Stürmer will open a special exhibition presenting images and set pieces remembering years of Excellency in Art Direction.
STONE WEDDING praised by film critics for its sobriety and power of essentialization, was selected in Cannes Film Festival, in Semaine de la Critique, în 1973. STONE WEDDING was also awarded several prizes by ACIN (Romanian Association of Cinema): Opera Prima (Dan Pița and Mircea Veroiu), Best Actress (Leopoldina Bălănuță), and won Best Cinematography (Iosif Demian) and Best Main Actress (Leopoldina Bălănuță) at Ciudad De Panama Film Festival.