For the first time ever, the 12 short thriller, horror and SF films selection encompasses a Romanian film, The End (by Marius Roșu). The must-sees of the selection are the Oscar-nominated Death of a Shadow (r, Tom Van Avermaet), Haunting Charles Manson, by Mick Davis, Zimmer 606 (by Peter Volkart), winner of Melies d'Or for best short film in Sitges, the oldest festival focused on fantastic cinema in Europe.
Also from Sitges come two other horror delicacies: Fist of Jesus (by Adrián Cardona, David Muñoz) and Hotel (by Jose Luis Aleman). Film aficionados will also enjoy The Captured Bird (by Jovanka Vuckovic), produced by Guillermo del Toro, who tells the story of a little girl who discovers five strange creatures ready to come out in the world.
The Shadows Shorts jury is formed of Freddy Bozzo, vice-president of Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival, Tomi Malkki, a Finish graphic artist, illustrator and animator, selected in Annecy International Animation Film Festival with Save the Rhinoceros (2010), and Danny Lennon, producer and distributor from PHI Group (Quebec, Canada), the company which produced Danse Macabre and Hope, former winners of the Shadows Shorts section.