The second day of TIFF 2010 will feature a busy schedule, loaded with events and screenings not to be missed.
Saturday kicks off with an original and challenging documentary, Videocracy, directed by Erik Gandini, which will screen at Victoria Cinema at 12:00. Included in the documentary program and presented by the long standing partner of the festival, HBO Romania, the film deals with the impact on the Italian people that certain media channels, governed by Silvio Berlusconi, have had over the last three decades.
Starting with 17:00 h, the TIFF Lounge (Museum of Art in Cluj) invites photography lovers to attend the opening of Andrei Pandele's photo exhibition. The exhibition will be open to visitors for the remaining duration of the festival. To mark the occasion, the third edition of the photo magazine Punctum will be released. It features an in depth interview with Andrei Pandele, and also a selection of his less-known works.
Also on Saturday, Republica Cinema will host two excellent event screenings.
At 18:00 h, the people of Cluj are expected at the gala screening of the film Caravana Cinematografică / Kino Caravan, directed by Titus Muntean. His second feature film, following his successful debut Examen / Taxi or Limousine. Kino Caravan is based on the eponymous novel by Ioan Groşan, and tells the story of Tavi, a young party activist, who is coming with a kino caravan in an isolated village from Transylvania, in order to screen Russian propagandistic films. It is the first assignment the party has given to him and he is doing his best to positively accomplish it, although he has to deal with a genuine lack of interest amongst the villagers. The film will screen in the presence of the director Titus Muntean, actors Dorian Boguţă and Iulia Lumânare and the crew.
After Titus Muntean's premiere of his film, Republica Cinema will host another exceptional event at 20:00 h: the silent film Metropolis (dir. Fritz Lang) will be shown in its completed and restored form, with live music especially composed for this new version of the film by musician and media artist Antonio Bras. His soundtrack includes classical music, sound effects, but also rock music and ambient sounds, which amongst the numerous guitar samples, piano, percussion and other live sounds, bleed into each other to produce an engrossing electro-digital sound field. This event is presented by TIFF and the German Cultural Center in Cluj.
Last but not least, at Casa Matei in Cluj-Napoca, at 16:00 h, festival fans are very welcomed to attend an original and slightly unusual exhibition that features what the students of the Art and Design University in Cluj came up with when asked to submit graphics for the promotional materials for the TIFF 2010.
Also, on the 29th and the 30th of May, between 11:00 and18:00, at the TIFF Meeting Point, filmmakers and producers are invited by Digital Cinema RedVolution as they present the new RED mx cameras & workflow. Visitors will be able to test the new MX sensor of the RED camera and the tools for processing footage coming from this sensor, combined with the new science, RED color.